Cabled Socks



approx – approximately beg – begin(ning) BOR – beginning of round
C4F – see Special Terms CO – cast on cn – cable needle
dec – decrease dpn – double pointed needles EOR – every other round
 est – establish(ed) k – knit  k2tog – see Special Terms
LH – left hand  LT – see Special Terms meas – measures
p – purl p2tog – see Special Terms patt – pattern
pm – place marker rem – remain(ning) rep – repeat
RH – right hand  rnd(s) – round(s) RS – right side
 ssk – see Special Terms st(s) – stitch(es)  
St st – Stockinette Stitch tbl – through the back loop WS – wrong side
wyib – with yarn in back wyif – with yarn in front yo – see Special Terms


One Size, to fit a woman’s foot (about size 7 to 8 shoe).

Finished Measurements:

Approx 7" around, 911⁄ ⁄4" long from back of heel to tip of toe, 9" high from top of leg to bottom of heel






10 cm
Metres Gramm
Classic Elite
Alpaca Sox
60% Alpaga
20% Mιrinos
20% Nylon
32 -- 2.25 - 3.25 411 100

• 1 hank 1816 Oatmeal Needles

• One set of 4 dpn each sizes US 2 and 3 (2.75 and 3.25 mm) Or size to obtain gauge

• Stitch marker

• Cable needle

• Stitch holder

• Tapestry needle


32 sts and 40 rnds = 4" in Stockinette Stitch (St st) worked in rnds with smaller needles.

Take time to save time, check your gauge.


LT: (left twist)

Skip 1 st and knit the next st tbl keeping both sts on needle, knit the skipped st, slip both sts from needle together.


Slip 2 sts to cn, hold in front, k2, k2 from cn.


Yarn over.


Knit 2 sts together (1 st decreased).


(slip, slip, knit) Slip 2 sts, 1 at a time, knitwise to the RH needle, return sts to LH needle in turned position and knit them together tbl (1 st decreased).


Circular Stockinette Stitch (St st):

Knit every rnd.

Twisted Rib: (multiple of 5 sts) (also, see chart)

Rnd 1: *K4, p1, rep from * around.

Rnd 2: *K1, LT, k1, p1, rep from * around.

Rep Rnds 1– 2 for Twisted Rib.

Leg Rib: (multiple of 10 sts) (also, see chart)

Rnds 1 and 9: *C4F, p1, C4F, p1, rep from * around.

Rnds 2, 4, 6 and 8: *K4, p1, k2, yo, k2tog, p1, rep from * around.

Rnds 3 and 7: *K4, p1, ssk, yo, k2, p1, rep from * around.

Rnd 5: *C4F, p1, ssk, yo, k2, p1, rep from * around.

Rnds 10, 12 and 14: *K2, yo, k2tog, p1, k4, p1, rep from * around.

Rnds 11 and 15: *Ssk, yo, k2, p1, k4, p1, rep from * around.

Rnd 13: *Ssk, yo, k2, p1, C4F, p1, rep from * around.

Rnd 16: Rep Rnd 10. Rep Rnds 1–16 for Leg Rib.


With larger needles, CO 70 sts.

Divide sts onto 3 dpn as follows: 20 sts on needle 1, 30 sts on needle 2, and 20 sts on needle 3.

Pm for BOR and join, being careful not to twist sts.

Begin Twisted Rib, work 9 rnds, end Rnd 1 of Twisted Rib.

Change to Leg Rib, work even until piece meas approx 6" from beg, end Rnd 9 of Leg Rib.


Change to smaller needles and work the Heel Flap on the first 34 sts back and forth in rows as follows:

(place the rem 36 sts on a holder to work later for instep, instep sts will beg and end with p1):

Est Patt: (RS) Slip 1 st knitwise wyib, *k1, slip 1 st purlwise wyib, rep from * to last st, k1.

Next Row: (WS) Slip 1 st purlwise wyif, purl to end.

Work as est for 32 rows, a total of 34 rows (17 chain sts along each selvedge edge), end WS row.


Work short-rows to shape the heel as follows:

(RS) Slip 1 st knitwise wyib, k18, ssk, k1, turn.

Next Row: (WS) Slip 1 st purlwise wyif, p5, p2tog, p1, turn.

*Next Row: (RS) Slip 1 st purlwise wyib, knit to 1 st before gap formed on previous row, ssk (1 st from each side of gap), k1, turn.

Next Row: (WS) Slip 1 st purlwise wyif, purl to 1 st before gap formed on previous row, p2tog (1 st from each side of gap), p1, turn.

Rep from * 5 times — 20 sts rem.


Pick up sts along selvedge edges of heel flap and rejoin for working in rnds as follows:


With needle 1, k20 heel sts, then with the same needle pick up and knit 17 sts along selvedge edge of heel flap (pick up 1 st in each chain edge st),

with needle 2, work 6 sts as est, beg Rnd 1 of Twisted Rib, work across next 25 sts, work rem 5 sts as est,

with needle 3, pick up and knit 17 sts along rem selvedge edge of heel flap, then knit the first 10 sts from needle 1 again — 90 sts total, 27 sts each on needle 1 and needle 3, 36 sts on needle 2.

Pm for BOR, Rnd begins at back of heel.

Shape Gusset:

Dec 2 sts EOR 11 times as follows:

On needle 1, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog,

on needle 2, work instep sts as est,

on needle 3, ssk, knit to end

— 68 sts rem.


Work even as est until piece meas approx 7" from back of heel, or about 2 1⁄4" less than desired total length, ending with Rnd 2 of Twisted Rib.


Change to St st: Dec 4 sts EOR 10 times,

then every row 3 times as follows:

On needle 1, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1,

on needle 2, k1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1,

on needle 3, k1, ssk, knit to end

—16 sts rem.

With needle 3, knit the sts from needle 1— 8 sts each on 2 needles.


Cut yarn, leaving a 10" tail.

Thread tail on a tapestry needle and use the Kitchener st to graft rem sts together.

Weave in loose ends.

Block lightly.








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