American National Standard Preferred Hole Basis Metric Clearance Fits
ANSI B4.2-1978 (R2004)

a Transition fit for basic sizes in range from 0 through 3 mm.

a The sizes shown are first-choice basic sizes. Preferred fits for other sizes can be calculated from data given in ANSI B4.2-1978 (R2004).
b All fits shown in this table have clearance.
All dimensions are in millimeters.

a The sizes shown are first-choice basic sizes. Preferred fits for other sizes can be calculated from data given in ANSI B4.2-1978 (R2004).
b A plus sign indicates clearance; a minus sign indicates interference.
All dimensions are in millimeters.

a The sizes shown are first-choice basic sizes. Preferred fits for other sizes can be calculated from data given in ANSI B4.2-1978 (R2004).
b A plus sign indicates clearance; a minus sign indicates interference.
All dimensions are in millimeters.

a The sizes shown are first-choice basic sizes. Preferred fits for other sizes can be calculated from data given in ANSI B4.2-1978 (R2004).
b A plus sign indicates clearance; a minus sign indicates interference.
All dimensions are in millimeters.





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