Solo Clue


Goal of the game :

Collect all the cards in the game



A game of Clue


An extra token


Preparing for the game:


The cards are placed at the top of the board face up.

Start by shuffling the room cards well and arrange them next to each other at the top of the board face up.


Then mix the character cards well and place them on top of the room cards, one character card per piece.


Then place the tokens corresponding to each character in the same rooms.

Do the same for the weapon cards and arrange them on top of the character cards, and place the corresponding weapons in the same rooms and characters.

Then place the weapons corresponding to each character in the same rooms.


Your pawn is placed in the center of the board at the Start position.

See: Example of game preparation above

Course of the Game:

On each turn, try to reach a different room in the mansion.
However, you cannot use the secret passages.

The roll of the dice

Roll the dice and move your pawn the number indicated by the dice.


You can move horizontally, vertically, forwards or backwards but never diagonally, and while moving you can change direction at any time.

But you cannot pass over the same square twice on the same die roll.

Entering and exiting a room

You can enter or leave a room through one of the doors during your die roll, the door is the space in the wall and not the square in front.

When you enter a room, this marks the end of your move. You cannot re-enter the same room.


But you can come back to this room once you have Entered and Exited from another room.

When you enter a room you can take one of the matching cards from the top of the board, but only one card at a time.

You must first take all the room cards.

Once the coin cards have been collected, you can start collecting all the character cards.

And once you have collected all the character cards, you can start collecting all the weapon cards.

Once all the cards have been collected, you have succeeded in your mission!

Variant with two or more players

The winner is the one who manages to collect the most cards.

Example of game preparation:













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