Intarsia, used for vertical stripes and other color block work
Knitting - Basic Techniques

When working stripes or other intarsia motifs, the yarn is carried up the edge of each section, vertically. At the edge of the color block, the main color and contrast color are crossed. (If they are pulled too tightly, the edge stitches may pucker, so be careful!) You’ll need 1 strand of yarn for each stripe or color block across the row.

When you’ve worked to the last stitch of the stripe with the main color, cross the yarn, placing the contrast color below the main color.
When you’ve finished working with the contrast color, cross the yarn, putting the main color below, and knit.
When you’ve worked to the edge of the stripe with the main color, cross the yarn, placing the contrast color above, and work the next section.
When you’ve finished working with the contrast color, cross the yarn, placing the contrast color below, and work the next section.








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